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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where can I find your opening hours and shop locations?

A: You can find our full list of opening hours and shop locations here

Q: Do you offer free measures & quotations

A: Yes we do! Subject to location, although we cover most areas within a 10 mile radius of Maidstone. You can call us on 01622 813355 to arrange your free measure.

Q: How can I contact you?

A: You can email us at, call us on 01622 813355 or send a message through our website here.

Q: Can I take samples home?

A: You certainly can. We keep hundreds of samples in store, we can either bring a selection along with us while on a measure or you can choose some to collect from one of our stores. We have no strict policies around loaning samples, only that you borrow a limited selection and return within a reasonable timeframe.

Q: Do you offer fitting services too?

A: We do yes. We only use reliable, experienced fitters that we trust will perform your job to excellent standards. Our fitting services are only available on items purchased with us.

Q: Do you require a deposit?

A: Deposit is 50% with the balance due on morning of fitting.

Q: What’s the best flooring for my bathroom?

A: It’s inevitable bathroom flooring will usually get wet, which is why we recommend vinyl flooring as it doesn’t absorb water and is easy to clean. However, if you prefer carpet in your bathroom we can recommend a waterproof backed carpet to avoid damage to your floor.

Q: What type of carpet is best suited for heavy traffic?

A: The wrong carpet for a busy room can be subject to fast wearing, discolouring and damage! We recommend to opt for a thick pile, and while its down to preference dark colours are good for avoiding stains. Resilient materials such as Polypropylene, Polyamide and Wool are great to look out for too.

Q: When is it time to replace my carpet?

A: Good quality carpet can last 20 years+ as long as its maintained well. However, if you notice any of the following signs it may be time to renew:

  • Discolouring/stains
  • Fraying/wear
  • Uneven/Wrinkling
  • Increase in allergies of inside your home